KUDHEIHA started as domestic workers organization representing the interest of domestic workers working for Europeans during the colonial government. Domestic workers comprise a significant part of the global workforce in informal employment and are among the most vulnerable groups of workers. They experience many deficiencies in decent work especially; pay below minimum wage, long working hours, torture, discrimination and lack of job security. Promoting the interest of domestic workers face much challenges considering majority work without clear terms of employment, unregistered in any book, and excluded from the scope of labour legislation.
With Increased advocacy and lobbying the legislatures, this shows the amendments of Kenya labour laws to put into consideration the informal sectors. Kenya Legal Notice No.116 on the minimum wage announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Labour, Social Security and Services on 20th May 2015, increased the minimum wage of domestic workers to Ksh.10, 955 per month (in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu) and Ksh. 10,107 in all other former municipal councils and other areas 5,844. In 2017, the minimum wage was increased by 18% during the Labour Day giving an increase from 10,955 to 12,825.72 and In addition; the domestic workers are now entitled to 1 day off a week
The domestic workers comprise of All persons employed or engaged as subordinate and professionals in Private Homes, Houses, Flats, Apartments, Clubs, Guest Houses, Bakeries, Sweets and Biscuit making factories, Children Homes, Rehabilitation Centers, Homes for the Aged, Villas, Hospices, and all Non-Governmental Organizations, projects associated with providing cleaning, Security and Social Services to the Community.