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Kudheiha > Health > Donations for clean water for kids in Syria

Donations for clean water for kids in Syria

Sanction Information

The Iron Eagle Natural Bodybuilding & Amateur Figure Classic is sanctioned by the International Natural Bodybuilding Federation (INBF) and is a drug tested WNBF Pro-Qualifier event. All contestants in bodybuilding & Figure must take a polygraph test prior to competition.


This competition is open to all drug-free (7 yrs. from date of show) amateur athletes who have a current INBF card. Competition classes include Bodybuilding, Figure, FitBody, Swimsuit Best Body & Bikini.


Exhibitor, Vendor and Sponsor opportunities are available. Contact promoter for more information.

Promoter: Rodney Melroy (712) 695-0400 or rlhelaire@stylemix.net

Official INBF Iron Eagle Natural Bodybuilding & Amateur Figure Classic website – www.INBFitness.com

Official INBF Iron Eagle Natural Bodybuilding & Amateur Figure Classic website – www.INBFitness.com

Please note that Event details are subject to change. Always contact contest promoter directly for up to date contest details or any questions. And be sure to visit the contest website for all show information.


3003 Lower Pompey Rd, Shelbiana, KY, 41562


June 14, 2021
09:60 AM - 03:15 PM
Health, Health Coaching